Trust me, life is an enemy of progress. It is very distractive and destructive? But what at all is life? Our human species have been questioning the meaning of life since we sprang onto this spherical space vehicle. Life intentionally takes delight in kicking people in the butt. In my own view, life is an unfriendly and unfair biological cataclysm which molests its clueless victims. One can infer that the controversial descriptions above I throw to life definitely arise from the struggles and the sufferings that are associated with it. Think of this, the pressures of life could sometimes be so unbearable such that individuals resort to suicides as an end to their endless sufferings. Even though, life could be so wicked to mankind, people who understand the intricacies of life eventually win the battle against its cruel nature. In this study, I seek to list and explain five reasons why one should never lose focus in life.

You Are Still AliveI like to say that, in life, the only thing that matters is being alive. No trace of hopelessness should ever be found roaming in the mind of a normal living person. What is more hopeless than death? Absolutely none. If you are hopeless while alive, so what happens when you give up the host? To me, hopelessness is a mark of laziness and it should never be entertained. Henceforth, distance your thoughts from negativity. You are just wasting your useful energy.

No One Is Better Than You Have confidence and believe in yourself. Even though, humans differ in personality, each and every one has talents and potentials. You only need to identify your talents and set goals with them. The good news is that talents could also be learned. What were you thinking? I already prophesied that everyone is naturally gifted with certain aptitudes which could be harnessed to achieve success. For individuals who feel that they are good at nothing, there is still no excuse to fail. There is something we call, skills. A skill is a learned talent. Simply put, skills refer to abilities gained by undergoing training.  It is uncommon to see a person with talents and skills fail in life. If you don’t have a talent, then learn a skill which you are passionate about.

You Have Come A Long Way: Your current position in life is determined by the thoughts and decisions you took some time ago.  I like to tell people that, if you think you are going to give up on something, then don’t even start it. It is senseless to give up on something you started many years ago. For instance, I have calculated that I spent approximately twenty (20) years of my life, going to school. Let’s see how I arrived at that number. 1 year at nursery + 6 years at primary school + 3 years at junior high school + 4 years at senior high school + 4 years at University = 18. We clearly see that it would be stupid for me to quit whatever I am doing today, after spending so many years in the classroom, acquiring knowledge. Don’t ever regret anything. You are rightly on track

People Are Waiting to See You Fail: Not a strange reason, right? That is correct. No matter what angel or Satan you are, there will still be a bunch of enemies trying to mar your efforts to achieve success.  These antagonists come from far and near. Some of them are your own family members, your community folks, your friends, your mates, and sometimes they could even be people you don’t know. But hey! It is completely normal. After all, there are others who also constantly pray for you and support you in whatever you do. Appreciate the few people who stand with you and move on. I don’t usually see critics as enemies, I prefer to call them development partners. Their ill wishes only serve to warn you to be more serious in life. Therefore, you must try hard to disappoint them. If enemies are doubting you and you also join them in doubting yourself, you are only assisting them to launch you into darkness. Finally, never equally wish ill of any one. Support your friends in their good endeavours. Just do your things and be real.

Actually, The Fifth Reason Why You Should Never Give Up Is That, This My Blog Channel Is There for You. I promise to deliver a lot of sense on this platform. Please share any content you find useful here and let’s spread the message. There will be a part two of this topic. Good day! Please leave some comments

Writer: Robert Abalungo (Bob Bright)

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